Hi friends today we are going to see that how many search engines are there and in which year they are launched…
1993 - Aliweb
1994 – WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos
1995 - AltaVista (part of DEC), Magellan (The McKinley Group), Excite, SAPO
1996 - Dogpile, Inktomi, HotBot, Ask Jeeves
1997 - Northern Light, Yandex
1998 - Google
1999 – AlltheWeb, Naver, Teoma, Vivisimo
2000 - Baidu
2003 - Info.com
2004 - Yahoo! Search, A9.com
2005 - MSN Search, Ask.com, GoodSearch
2006 – wikiseek, Quaero, Live Search, ChaCha, Guruji.com
2007 - Wikia Search
2008 - SearchMe, Powerset, Viewzi, Cuil
This shows that more search engines will come in the future…
Search engines
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