NASA candidacy requirements...

Our today's post is very important for those, who have planned to become as an astronaut and also wants to join NASA. In the post we are going to see about the qualifications that one must have to join as an astronaut in NASA.

The qualifications and requirements are as follows...
NASA candidacy requirements:
* Be citizens of the United States.
* Pass a strict physical examination, and have a near and distant visual acuity correctable to 20/20 (6/6). Blood pressure, while sitting, must be no greater than 140 over 90.

For becoming Commander and Pilot
* A bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics is required, and a graduate degree is desired, although not essential.
* At least 1,000 hours flying time as Pilot-in-Command in jet aircraft. Experience as a test pilot is desirable.
* Height must be 5 ft 4 in (1.6 m) to 6 ft 4 in (1.9 m).
* Distant Visual Acuity must be Correctable to 20/20 Each Eye
* The refractive surgical procedures of the eye, PRK and LASIK, are now allowed, providing at least 1 year has passed since the date of the procedure with no permanent adverse after effects. For those applicants under final consideration, an operative report on the surgical procedure will be requested.

For becoming Mission Specialist
* Bachelor's degree in engineering, biological science, physical science or mathematics, as well as at least three years of related professional experience.
* Applicant's height must be 5 ft 2 in to 6 ft 4 in (1.57 to 1.93 m).

For becoming Mission Specialist Educator
* Bachelor's degree with teaching experience, including work at the kindergarten through 12th grade level. Advanced degree not required, but is desired.

Thus it is not a small matter, for becoming as astronaut in NASA, but if one can do, you can also do it. So if any one wants to become as an astronaut, try to work hard from now onwards...

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