Types of blogs...

We all know about what is blog. It is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. But the other matters that we don't know is that, how many types of blogs are there?
There are many types blogs are named according to their categories...
Now in this post we will see that names of some of them.
Types of blogs...
1. Blog(web-log)
2. Art log(arts)
3. Photo blog(photographs)
4. Sketch blog(sketches)
5. Vlog(videos)
6. MP3 blog(music)
7. Pod casting(audio)
8. Micro blogs(blogs with very short posts)
Thus we came to know about the types of blogs available. So start a blog for you in any one of these categories.

About this blog

Hi friends, welcome to my blog. In this blog you can able to know some information about the matters that are not explored to you well (i.e. some unusual things). Enjoy reading my blog and have a nice time.
Update in this blog will be done at least once in 4 days...